
the right solution

Kasthuri Manjal

Botanical Name : Curcuma Aromatica Salisb

Kasturi Manjal is in mild yellow colour with a bitter taste and Camphor-like aroma. Among its numerous properties, this magical spice is added our “Multicare”- oral powder which benefits the following:
Anti-ageing agent

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Botanical Name : Cassia Auriculata

Aavarampoo is an evergreen medicinal shrub that is useful in regulating the menstrual cycle, skin related problems. The flower, buds, leaves, stem, root, and unripe fruit are used for treatment, especially in Ayurvedic medicine and these Aavaram Poo added in Multicare which benefits the following:
Good for Diabetes
Good Antibiotics
Avoid body Dehydration
Kidney malfunction and also prevents dialysis treatment
Treat conjunctive eyes

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White Pepper

Botanical Name : Pipar Nigrum

The White pepper is used as a spice and also has limited usage in medicine such as gastric secretions, carminatives. This White pepper is used in our Multicare which has various benefits for :
Cardiovascular diseases
Weight loss due to the presence of capsaicin

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Botanical Name : Piper longum

Thippili is a perennial herb which comes in two varieties and its fruits are quite small, completely sunk in solid, fleshy spikes and is blackish-green in colour. These Immature dried fruits and roots are added in our Multicare that is used to treat the following:
Acute and chronic bronchitis

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Black Cumin

Botanical Name : Nigella sativa

Black cumin is a good source of nutritionally essential components as their seeds are used as herbal medicine to treat and prevent numerous diseases. Consumption of antioxidant-rich foods may improve antioxidant defence mechanisms and provide protection against oxidative damage caused by free radicals. The benefits of black cumin are as follows
Used against cancer

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Botanical Name : Cinnamomum Verum

Cinnamon is a highly delicious spice known for ages. It is loaded with Antioxidants and Anti-Inflammatory Properties. it has been prized for its medicinal properties for thousands of years. Cinnamon has various benefits as follows
It may cut the risk of Heart Disease
Improves sensitivity to the Hormone Insulin
Lowers Blood Sugar Levels
Powerful Anti-Diabetic Effect
Helps Fight Bacterial and Fungal Infections

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Botanical Name : Syzygium Aromaticum

Clove is an important spice and known as " Mother Nature’s Antiseptic". It is an effective home remedy for toothache and also helps to provide relief from cough and sore throat due to its antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The benefits of Cloves are as follows:
Help in the management of diabetes
It can lower the blood sugar levels

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Botanical Name : Trigonella foenum-graecum

Fenugreek seeds have a blood sugar lowering effect. The amino acid present in seeds causes direct pancreatic cell stimulation. For more than thousands of years, fenugreek has been used as an alternative to Chinese medicine to treat skin conditions and many other diseases and its benefits are as follows:
To treat heartburn
High cholesterol
Weight loss
Upset stomach

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Botanical Name : Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis

Hibiscus, also known as rose mallow, The plant is best known for its beautiful flowers and is cultivated for ornamental purposes. The health benefits of Hibiscus is
Lowers Cholesterol
Lowers Blood Sugar
Improves Hair Growth
Can Protect Against Skin Cancer
Fights Hair Loss
Aids Weight Loss
Heals Wounds
Boosts liver health
Boosts Immune System
Help Treat Depression
Cures Fever, Constipation, and Cold

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Marutham Pattai

Botanical Name : Terminalia Arjuna

Marutham Pattai is traditional Ayurvedic medicine, The bark of Marutham Pattai has been used in India for more than 3000 years, primarily as a heart remedy. It also has various benefits such as:
Used for asthma, bile duct disorders, scorpion stings, and poisonings
Cardiovascular disease
Used as “a water pill,” and for earaches, dysentery, diseases of the urinary tracts etc

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Botanical Name : Eclipta Drostrata

Karisalankanni also called as Kayyunni or false daisy, a popular herb in Ayurveda known for its numerous health benefits. This incredible herb is widely used for its immense benefits for hair and overall health.
Treat dry scalps
Enlargement of liver and spleen
Abdominal pain
Skin diseases and fever

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Botanical Name : Phyllanthes Emblica

Fresh amla berries contain as much vitamin C as 20 oranges, they’ve been used in remedies for at least 1,000 years. The antioxidants and vitamins found in amla berries offer several health benefits such as:
High concentrations of vitamin C
Improved memory and Brain Health
Controls Diabetes
Healthier Eyes
Improves Immunity

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Botanical Name : Justicia Adhatoda

Aadathodai is an amazing herb with loads of medicinal uses and It is a very important herbal plant (shrub) right from treating cough and indigestion to haemorrhoids, it does have wide medicinal uses. It is especially known for the following:
Stopping bleeding conditions like bleeding gums, haemorrhoids, etc.
Treating cough

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Botanical Name : Glyeyrrhiza Glabra

Adhimadhuram, which is considered one of the world’s oldest herbal remedies has been used to treat various ailments and it is an effective and potent medicinal herb. Adhimadhuram is aromatic and is used as a flavouring agent. It can also be taken to improve energy levels and manage fatigue. It is useful in managing oral problems like mouth sores and dental plaques. This can be consumed directly to get relief from cough and sore throat. It is also beneficial in managing gastric problems like
Stomach ulcers
Heartburn due to its anti-ulcer
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties

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Ashoka Pattai

Botanical Name : Saraca Asoca

The Asoka tree's dried bark contains tannins, stero. In Siddha & Ayurveda (Indian herbal system) Asoka is said to maintain the health of reproductive organs. It helps to pacify Kapha (Water) and Pitta (Fire). It has various benefits such as:
It helps to improve the digestion of food
Improves the complexion of the body
It helps to tone up the womb (uterus)
Helps to promote mental or emotional well being

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Botanical Name : Withania Somnifera

Ashwagandha is a small evergreen shrub and its roots and berry are used to make medicine. Ashwagandha is commonly used for stress and used as an "adaptogen" for many other conditions such as
To reduce blood sugar levels
Reduce stress and anxiety
Increase muscle mass
Reduce body fat, and increase strength

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Brammy is a herb used in the Ayurvedic medicine tradition for the treatment of various disorders and Brammy might increase certain brain chemicals that are involved in thinking, learning, and memory. Brammy is highly beneficial for patients suffering from
Alzheimer disease
Anxiety, intellect and poor memory

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Botanical Name : Terminalia chebula

Kadukkai is the ayurvedic herb which acts as an excellent remedy for digestive disorders, helps to detoxify and naturally purifies the blood. Kadukkai has many health benefits and medicinal uses for the following:
Weight loss
Hair loss
Cough in babies & adults
Diabetes and mouth ulcers

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Botanical Name : Solanum Virginianum

Kandankathiri has various health benefits and is used as a medicine. The whole plant is covered in thorns and the fruit. The benefits of Kandankathiri is
Liver Protection

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Botanical Name : Mucuna pruriens

Poonaikaali is a creeping vine used in Ayurvedic medicine for over two thousand years. There are traditional uses for the root and the seeds support a healthy central & peripheral nervous system. The various benefits of Poonaikaali are
Ability to handle stress
Supports physical balance & posture
Promotes healthy motor skills & coordination
Improves energy & endurance Supports the intellect
Revitalizes both male & female reproduction

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Botanical Name : Boerhabia Diffusa

Saaranai is a miracle herb that shows wonderful health benefits and medicinal uses. It is a blood purifier that treats many diseases from skin allergies to constipation and is useful for treating all the disorders of the kidneys as it reduces the urea levels in the body very effectively, it can also be used as a liver tonic and can be used to treat all the disorders of the liver. Regular consumption of Saaranai treats all the disorders of the eyes like
Night blindness
Persistent irritation in the eyes

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Seendhil Kodi

Botanical Name : Tinospora cordifolia

Seendhil Kodi is a shrub that is native to India. Its roots, stems, and leaves are used in Ayurvedic medicine. This plant can be found growing wild on trees and shrubs and it can be easily identified with the heart-shaped leaves. Seendhil Kodi is used for
High cholesterol
Allergic rhinitis
Upset stomach
Lymphoma and other cancers
Rheumatoid arthritis
Peptic ulcer disease
Fever, and to boost the immune system

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Botanical Name : Solanum Trilobatum

Thoothuvalai is extensively used in Siddha and Ayurveda to cure various ailments. This perennial herb that grows up to a height of 2-3 meters and is fully covered with thorns. The benefits of Thoothuvalai
Asthma, Cold, sinus Cough, lung diseases and Flu
Prevents throat infections
Reduces throat irritation and improves appetite
Treating tuberculosis and long-standing cold
Treating Nervous problems, Bronchitis, Skin diseases and Ear problems

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Botanical Name : Acorus Calamus

Vasambu is a popular natural and medicinal herb widely used for infants and babies for different problems. Vasambu is also used as a calming medicine (sedative), to induce sweating, and to treat rheumatoid arthritis and stroke, Despite safety concerns, Vasambu is used for gastrointestinal problems including:
Inflammation of the stomach lining (gastritis)
Intestinal gas (flatulence)
Upset stomach and loss of appetite (anorexia). Vasambu is also used as a calming medicine (sedative), to induce sweating, and to treat rheumatoid arthritis and stroke.

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Lemon Grass

Botanical Name : Cymbopogon citratus

Lemongrass is a herb with a lemony scent. The culinary herb is produced from the stalk of the lemongrass plant. This plant grows in many tropical climates, most notably in Southeast Asia. It is a common ingredient in Thai cooking. The leaves and the oil are used to make medicine.Lemongrass is commonly taken orally, applied directly to the skin, or inhaled as aromatherapy for many different conditions. Lemongrass is also used in making vitamin A and natural citral. Many people find sipping hot tea to be relaxing.
Lowers Cholesterol
Prevents Infection
Relieves Pain
Boosting Red Blood Cell levels
Relieves Bloating

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Botanical Name : Vitex Negundo

Nochi is an evergreen medicinal deciduous shrub. It is native to India. It is usually grown as fencing for agriculture lands as well as the house. Various parts of the tree such as leaves, leaf oil, roots, fruits, and seeds are used in Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, Homeopathy, and Allopathy for therapeutic purpose. It is used in the treatment of diseases that occur due to vitiation of Vata and Kapha, headache, skin affections, wounds, swelling, asthmatic pains, male and female sexual and reproductive problems
Lowers Cholesterol
Remedy of Asthma
Relieves Anxiety
Treats Menstrual cramps
Alleviates Joint Pain
Cures High Fever

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